DialogFlow Messenger is not working when importing HTML code inside HTML

Hi All,   I'm trying to integrate DialogFlow Messenger in to my Mendix application in one of the page. I used HTML snippet to paste all my HTML code. But in UI screen (browser) it's not showing the messenger and it's rendering the empty page.   There is no error in console or no code breaking   Below is my code snippet    <!doctype html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <style> df-messenger { z-index: 999; position: fixed; bottom: 16px; right: 16px; --df-messenger-titlebar-background-color: #f00; --df-messenger-chat-bubble-background-color: #f00; --df-messenger-input-border: 1px solid #ddd; --df-messenger-titlebar-title-font-family: "Gilroy-Bold", "Open Sans", sans-serif; --df-messenger-message-font-family: "Gilroy-Bold", "Open Sans", sans-serif; } </style> <script src="df-messenger.js"></script> <df-messenger project-id="" agent-id="" language-code="en"> <df-messenger-chat-bubble> </df-messenger-chat-bubble> </df-messenger> </body> </html> Note: I tried to use in the index.html and it's working fine. But I want to use this script only on one page and not to load this script in all my pages.   Please suggest, what's the error or how to resolve this    Thanks in Advance  
1 answers

Hey Amarnath,


I am not a HTML expert, but one thing I can observe is you are calling script = df-messenger.js, maybe this is not found by the file (though I believe you should get an error in console). Are you sure that snippet is able to access df-messenger.js file ?
