how to create best anonymus layout for beautiful UI/UX?

I'm attempting to create a layout for an anonymous user, essentially a landing page. However, I find Mendix layouts a bit complicated and challenging to grasp, especially since there are no templates specifically designed for customer-facing purposes. Can someone provide guidance on how to build one, step by step? Thank you.  
1 answers

Hi ablikim,


When you create a new application with Mendix, there are quite some Templates to choose from




In addtion, Within Mendix tudio Pro 9.* and higher, you can set the basis styling for colors, positioning and animation either on the pages. Width Mendix Studio Pro 9,24 and higher you can install the UI Resource module, which allows you to fully embracre (s)css. I have not found any limitations in styling. I also run a website on Mendix, and completely styled it with just the UI Resource module.


Could you please tell me what it is you miss in order to make an awesome UX with  Mendix?


Thank you,

