Why does my CSS-class dont get recognized?

As seen in the pictures i can't get my classes to work. I tried it in the main.scss and also in the custom-variables.scss, but both times it looks like in the pictures. I also watched the video from Mendix Community and he could easily put up a class in main.scss. Am i missing something that i need to do before i can create classes? Thanks in advance for the help. I am using Mendix Studio Pro 9.24.14.
2 answers

Don't use the custom-variables.scss for your classes, but use the main.scss. Make sure to put the class on a page and run the model, use the inspector to see if the class is used or ignored if a more specific class is more important.


it also depends how your using your class. for example if you'll add this class to primary button, chances are if shows the color of the primary button. Use the browser inspector the validate if additional classes are mandatory to make a more specific selection.
