Get ID to show in your Page URL after creating

Dear all, I am very exited about the new Microflow and Page URL's in Mendix 10.6.x, to phase out Deeplink ultimately in my apps.   What i want to accomplish is: - Have a microflow with URL that will create a new Form and shows the New form with the URL showing the ID.   I am up to the point that i can call the microflow via URL and show the form, only i havent yet figured out how to show the URL including the FormID so that users can bookmark the new form.   Any suggestions?
2 answers

The answer is in the SAML module, there is an example that uses a combination of a page and a javascript datasource that does the redirect.


Only challenges that i have left now is when a user has not yet been SAML authenticated.

The user is first send to SAML login but returns to the home page after that instead of the page with url.


If you want to set the URL of the page in the browser you can use the SetURL widget to do this.


If you need to redirect to the new URL, you could use the Open URL action in the Nanoflow Commons module to do this.


If you need to find the UUID of an entity to include in a URL, you can use the GetGUID action in the Community Commons module.


I hope this helps. 
