Reference Set Selector triggers validation

I have a simple form with a few text fields I have set to REQUIRED in the Validation options. The very first thing I want people to do in the form is to add the states they operate in so I have a reference set selector that lets them pick which states to add. The reference set selector onchange is set to NOTHING. The second I click the button to open the popup page to show the state options, the validation on the rest of the form triggers, with all fields highlighted in red showing a "required" message.   This is REALLY annoying. Is there a way to prevent the validation from triggering when opening a reference set selector page?
3 answers

Looks like Page reloads every time. Probably you have some on change event which refresh's the object 


Hello Brian,


Is it maybe the validation on the field that is still on in your form:



Hope this helps,


Good luck!


Actually it isn't JUST the reference set selector.  if I click anywhere on the form, even in a blank white space, the validation properties are triggered. What could cause this?
