DataGrid2 UI is not gets reflected

Hello Team,   Recently I have migrated the mendix version 9.24.11 to 9.24.23 after that I have updated the Datagrid to DataGrid2 by using datawidgets. After the modular update I have made the updated the UI resources in 9.24.23. After that I have started using DataGrid2 while working with that the filter icons and Filter option icon has not visible and some of UI is not getting reflected. I have tried with removing the DataWidgets and downloaded the new once but it seems to be same. Updated UI is not get reflected.   These are the below ways that I have tried.   Removed and Downloaded the New Data Widgets. Tried with updating new UI resources (By existing UI resources also doesn't gets work) Added the custom CSS code - The custom code has doesn't gets reflected,   I have tested with the same in test app in 9.24.23 the datagrid2 is working fine. It only gets failed in my current migrated version.   How to resolve this.   Thanks in Advance.
2 answers

I havent had any experience in this but the styles which shows this small icon (Ab) is in themesource/datawidgets/web/_datagrid-filters.scss file.

there should be styles as per the screenshot below.

Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 11.41.40 AM.jpg


can you see if there is any issue there? may be during the migration this file got corrupted or might be totally missing(which is highly unlikely)


Also do 1 thing: try to clear your browser cache or open the mendix application in an Cognito or InPrivate session to see if it appears there. I suspect this could be css cache issue.


As first blunt solution you can try to overwrite (after creating a backup) your Themesource directory with the one in you test-app. Might help.


If not, see if you can spot the difference between your app and your test-app in the browsers' inspector. Should look like this:image.png

This can help you get to the root of the problem.
