theme.compiled.css overriding my custom css file

Hi Everyone, I am using theme.compiled.css for datagrid 2 in my application whereas i am using custom css for my project. whenever I am applying theme.compiled.css in my settings.json then datagrid 2 is working properly but my custom existing css stylings are not working properly. Even I tried by replacing atlas_2 to atlas_core and added atlas web and native content but still its not working. Can anyone help me here to fix this issue?   "pageTemplates": "WebModeler", "cssFiles": ["theme.compiled.css", "styles/web/css/main.css ", "styles/web/css/custom/custom.css"],   This is what I am using in settings.json
2 answers



The docs says that the third party CSS should be in the theme/web folder.

Check if the path "styles/web/css" is underneath this folder.


In addition, you may consider create a Custom Design System module, where you can put all your custom SCSS files alongside Building Blocks, PageTemplates, ImageLists, etc


Create a Company Design System


Thanks for the answer and this is what i am searching exactly
