How to create a Timeline Chart with Anychart?

Hello all,   I´ve been investing for quite some time now how to create a timeline chart. The chart should contain different time based events - especially showing which project some person was working for a specific amount of time.    E.g. 01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024 Project A 01.08.2024 - 31.10.2024 Project B   The user should simply get a graphical representation about the time beeing spend on each project... My goal is to create a chart, which should be similar to the following one: Anychart - Timeline Chart Basic   I have the feeling that only those "basic" types are supported: Basic Mendix Charts   I have been using the AnyChart-Widget from the Marketplace (see here) . I have been able to set up all the basic charts, but failed as soon as I tried to create something more complex. The added JSON was simply not beeing rendered without any error messages in console.    Does anyone have experience on that?    Regards Philipp    
1 answers

Any type of chart is supported in Mendix.

There is a general cheatsheet:


But copypaste is often easier. So here is the demo I made in 2018, still usable and very informative having running examples:

You can download that app from github: Use that app to copypaste the domainmodel that you need and the microflows to fill the domain model.

Good luck and have fun.
