DataGrid2 height be half of webpage (Vertical layout grid?)

I have a UI feature I'm trying to setup where 2 datagrids2 are on top of each other (The bottom one listens to the top one) and then within the datagrid2 they are set to virtual scroll. What I am trying to do is set the datagrids to be half the page height each but I can't seem to set the height as the height of the datagrid2 is set by the pagesize value. I want to do this due to scaling of some monitors where some times there may be a page scroll bar and other times there may be a lot of empty space at the bottom.   Essentially what I am trying to do here is create a vertical layout grid and set the datagrid2s to autofill the height of the layout grid.   Is this something that can be done? I'm surprised there isn't a vertical layout grid option to be honest, seems like it would be useful.   Version 10.18.0   Many thanks
1 answers

You should consider wrapping both Data Grids in a container where you apply custom styling to. This styling could be a flexbox or a css grid container.

By also explicitly setting the height of the data grids to a maximum of half the page, a scrollbar should appear if they become larger than that
