Empty reference set selector and Save/Cancel buttons

I have a page for creating new release notes. Each release note can be associated with multiple System.UserRoles, so there is a reference selector on the page to add/remove UserRoles from the release note. However, it starts out empty (which is what I want), and if you hit the Save or Cancel buttons for the Release Note before adding a User Role, you get an error in Javascript: 'Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of null'. It seems obvious to me that I should be able to Cancel at least without adding anything and it should work properly. Is there something I'm missing? Do I need to make custom Save and Cancel buttons for this page to call microflows to get around this, or is there a way to make the default buttons work in this case?
4 answers

This seems to me like a bug. File a support ticket. The cancel button should not throw this javascript error.




Hi David,

I just ran into the same issue. Was this already filed/solved in a later Mendix release?


We encountered a similar issue: after clicking Cancel, an error message appears: "An error occured, please contact your system administrator." The logging shows: "Cannot read property 'attributes' of null TypeError: Cannot read property 'attributes' of null"

It turned out that this problem arises on a page with:

* A text widget with a parameter that refers to another object, AND

* A data view (over association) that refers to the same other object.

Seen in Mendix 7.13.1 and 7.15.1.

I have filed a ticket for this: #65769

We have a workaround: enclose the text widget by a Data view that loads the referred object.

Maybe there is a resemblance with your situation.


For people reading in the future, this issue was indeed fixed in 7.17.2.

