Info on Mendix UI Classes

Hi all I've been doing some digging, trying to find a list of the Classes Mendix uses for its UI, such as page-form-default, but I have been unable to find any details on these classes or a comprehensive list of all possible classes. I've checked the reference guide, but no luck there. In addition, these classes seem to be unique to Mendix, so the Bootstrap CSS page does not have them. I've found some articles with PARTIAL lists of classes, but none with this specific class. Any ideas where to look? Hannes van Niekerk
3 answers

Hey Hannes,

Did you check out the SASS files? It should be next to the CSS files. In the LIB map you can look them up

I hope that is what you need.




Also take a look at . It's all about the new Atlas Framework.

On the site, there's also a specific list for helper classes:





Quote:  In addition, these classes seem to be unique to Mendix, so the Bootstrap CSS page does not have them.

Mendix has itnegrated bootstrap 3 to some extent so some classes from Bootstrap are available to use. Forr example the glyphicons, column layouts e.g. col-md-4 also btn-lg, clearfix, text-center, content-center to name a few.

A comprehensive list can be found here:

