Row count in overview does not match row count in New/Edit when XPath constraint

I have an entity whether (purchase order line) which a user can see based on a configured XPath constraint. The user can see only purchase order lines for the vendor she works for. The overview page shows the correct number of records in the data grid as well as the correct total count. However, when I open the New/Edit page, the record count show the total number of records in the database. The navigation correctly does not allow me to move to any other record (since the user is not authorized to see them), but the total count is off. How can I adjust the total count in the New/Edit page? Did I miss a setup of a kind?
2 answers


From what I can see, those counts look like they are for different entities, the overview page displays Purchase Order Lines and the edit page displays a single Purchase Order Line and then some detail about an entity with has a 1 - Many relationship with Purchase Order Line.  Maybe I am missing something.....perhaps you could share a screen shot of your domain model?



(facepalm) Should have created the third child record. Thank you for pointing it out. Totally my fault. Still getting accustomed to the location of UI widgets.
