The page you requested was not found. You are redirected to the home page.

Did any one of you face this error "The page you requested was not found. You are redirected to the home page." when you try to redirect to a page which has its Page URL property set to /Sample/{Id} My URL is: http://localhost:8080/p/Sample/8444249301319882
1 answers

This happens when the Id that is set in your URL is a valid id (either existing or correctly formatted) but is not an id for any of the records in your page that you are trying to access.

So using something like: http://localhost:8080/p/sample/4503599627370497 will show the message and will redirect to the homepage when the id is not one of the records available.

Using something like:  http://localhost:8080/p/sample/4503 will result in a page not found message shown in the browser.
