Mendix 8 Custom Theme adding mxui.css and Bootstrap files

Hi, I am migrating the existing Mendix 7 application to Mendix 8 which uses custom Theme called Mindsphere_UI_Resources. I am getting Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) for mxui.css file and Bootstrap files.  As per the below documentation, “Mendix provides legacy mxui.css and Bootstrap files with defaults in this GitHub repository. Download files from this repository to enable your custom theme.”  ( I have downloaded the files from Git Hub repository and placed in depolyment/web/lib folder and Bootstrap issue is fixed. But still the mxui.css file is not recognized. Please let me know the changes I am missing to fix this issue.
2 answers

In which directory did you add mxui.css? I would expect it to have to get added in “<projectdir>\theme\styles\web\css”. And does the errormessage perhaps tell you where it is looking for the mxui.css?




files to include in the theme should be registered in the `theme/settings.json` file

    "pageTemplates": "WebModeler",
    "cssFiles": ["styles/web/css/main.css"],
