It can be done by applying the following style in your custom.scss:
Mendix <= 7
.table-with-vertical-scroll {
.mx-datagrid-body-table {
display: block;
height: <your wanted height>px;
overflow-y: scroll;
.mx-datagrid-body tr td:first-child {
width: 200px;
Mendix >= 8
.table-with-vertical-scroll {
table {
display: block;
height: <your height>px;
overflow-y: scroll;
tbody tr td:first-child {
width: 200px;
Note: this will cause your table to act like a regular <div> container, and therefor the table cell width is not used correct from the colgroup that is used in the HTML structure of the data grid.
The fix that I found is to set a fixed width on the first table cell (<td>).
I hope this helps you in the right direction.
I think you are looking for a sticky header. It should be possible to apply something similar to Mendix 8.x as what Austin McNicholas wrote in for Mendix 7.15 – you might have to select the right DOM element(s) to pull it off.