Common page

Hello all, I have a question. In my app, I have a page which is common for 2 different entities. Is it possible to fill the entity dynamically based on the flow? Or should I definitely have to have 2 copies of the page, one for each entity? The microflow which calls the page and the action on submit varies in both cases.  - Kamala
2 answers

Please, could you provide more details? So in general with Microflows you are able to maintain multiple entities on a page. If you are interested how this works, I would suggets to take a look for the Academy section. There are some learning paths which could help you.


Is it possible to fill the entity dynamically based on the flow? No.

Or should I definitely have to have 2 copies of the page, one for each entity? Yes.

You may have checked out the option of using a snippet for this, but snippets either show no data, or they show data of a specific entity, not an entity that can vary based on a passed along entity.

What you can do is base the two pages on a building-block. See the AppStore app ‘Atlas-UI’ for samples of building-blocks. That helps a bit, until the moment that you start changing one of the two pages. The other will not also change.
