Data grid not doing Select first after repopulating data using Refresh time, data view not in sync with data grid.

I have a data grid in my project where I show the data based on the User settings. I have made the Select first as Yes in the properties. When the user logs in and the data is first showed the up the first item gets selected by default. Then user changes the settings on some other page and say apply, upon this a microflow is called which saves the state of the settings and update the entities in the domain model accordingly. The Refresh time of the data grid is set to 1 seconds, so after the closure of the settings dialog, the data gets repopulated in the data grid based on new settings. But it may happen that the previously selected item is no longer in the data grid at this time, and here the Select first do not happen and there are no items selected in the Data grid.  Now I show the details of the item selected in the Data grid to a data view(using listener over the data grid). When there is no selection in the data grid as last condition of above the data view still has the old stale data based on the previous selection in the data grid. Also if there are no items in the data grid still the data view keeps on showing the data based on the previous selection in the data grid. Me expectations are :  1.Select first should work in data grid even after re population. 2.Data view should be in sync with the data grid. Empty for no item or no selected item in data grid. 
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