To configure a multiple selection through a check box widget

Hi All,   The use case is that I have an Enumeration attribute and I want this to be displayed in a check box for each attribute value to enable the user to make multiple selections. However, I tried to configure the Checkbox Set Selector widget by configuring the Datasource entity and Display attribute value. However, there is always an error which says “The path should contain st least one step”. What does this mean? Does it mean the entity should have an association?   I wish to have the four values to be populated as a check box for the ERP enumerated attribute for the user to make a multiple selection. If there is anyother way to have a multiple selection feature for the enumerated attribute, kindly advice.   Regards Anirudh 
2 answers

Hi Anirudh,

Enumerations cannot be multi-selected, you can only select one enum value. If you want multi-select than either change these enum values to individual Boolean attributes or create new entity called ‘ERP’ and ‘ERPName’ attribute (add enum values as objects, you can create admin area to manage these ERP), set many to many association between your parent entity and ERP entity. If you go for many to many association approach than you can use Checkbox Set Selector widget (this widget can only be used with many to many association).    

Hope this helps


Hi Anirudh,

you can use the below widget with simple configuration to achieve your requirement.
