Dynamic Chart based on menu clcik event

Hi All, I want to show a different chart details based on user selection event on left.   EX1: When user click on Button – 1 , It should fetch the data from Entity 1 data source and display the chart. EX2: When user click on Button – 2, It should fetch the data from Entity 2 data source and display the chart.   -- Thanks Jana  
2 answers

Hi Janarthanan,

You can enable/disable different charts based on different boolean attributes.For each button click , update the respective boolean attribute to true other attributes to false. So when you click first button , you will be updating one boolean variable to yes. Give visibility to the chart based on the boolean attributes.


If the legend is enabled, it shows a legend with a label per series. The default behaviour is that users can toggle visibility of each series by clicking on the legend label.

Maybe that is already close to what you intend to achieve?
