Microflow Call Confirmation Pop-up alignment in 12.1

We are facing an issue after migrating to 12.1, the default confirmation pop-up for a microflow call button appears at the bottom of screen instead of the center. I found why issue is coming, in the model pop up, there is an inline style with a  top: >700 px, when I checked in 8.9 this inline style only use top:20 px. However, I am not able to figure out from where this inline style is getting injected.    Any thought to correct this?
2 answers

I was not able to find from were exactly this inlne style was getting injected. However, fixed this by overriding mx-dialog from mxui.scss in the custom css. This is the full style I put in the custom .scss

.mx-dialog {

    top: 20px!important;

    position: fixed;

    left: auto;

    right: auto;

    padding: 0;

    width: 500px;

    margin: 0;



A similar thread about same topic- https://forum.mendix.com/link/questions/102647


Normally you see at the right side of the element.style where it comes from:

I would start looking in your themes directory and check custom.css.



