Multiple data views on one page makes one data view non editable

I have 2 pages: one has button with redirect microflow to another page. The microflow passes Objects and shows the second page. The page that is displayed has one main dataview X in which there are objects, Inside that we have another dataview which is association between X and another Y.   Microflow currently has one entity: Show page. the object currently being passed is X.  Now due to this(i think so), the objects inside X↔ Y association data view are non-editable and rest are all editable when we click on the first page button that calls this microflow and shows the second page.   How can this be resolved? How can i edit microflow  which is currently passing object X, to include X-Y object also (if thats the reason ) to make objects as editable on page redirect.   If i directly view second page all objects are editable. Only when we move from 1st to second via microflow, X-Y objects become non-editable.
1 answers

Hey there,

If a dataview shows up as non-editable, it is often because the object does not exist.

check the following points:

  • Do you create the associated object
  • If you retrieve the object over association, it should show up
  • if you retrieve the object from database, check if you committed the object (and the other associated object)