Dashboard UI Layout

hi all, i am trying to design the dashboard for my app . in the top layout i want to add the user profile and logout option .when user click on the image then in dropdown 2 optin appier for profile and logout as we create in other thechnology .PFA below for reference i want the option same as which i send document below. any idea to how to display current login user photo and name on top bar . i need the profile photo same as i shared below. can it is possible in mendix?can we change layout and add current user profile with logout button?
2 answers

Your wish is present in the marketplace. Go to https://baseapplication-sandbox.mxapps.io to see how it works, log in via the top-right button, userid visitor, pwd  Welcome12345!'

To get it into your application, download ‘System Management’.

To also have the user-information and personal image: also download module ‘Person’.


You can create a duplicate of the default layout, customize and use it.

In this custom layout, you can include a snippet and add css (maybe pull-right class) to move it to the right side of the top bar.

This snippet needs to have a dataview with source as microflow which returns the user account. You can use the pop-up menu widget from the market place inside this data view to customize your menu. You can customize the menu and it's visual based on your use-case from there.

