Label remains on previous page while content drops to next page in Document Template

I am using a document template with which I want to download PDFs. In this PDF, I have several sections containing a label (the header of the particular section) and multiple pictures made with a smartphone. The pictures are displayed in a template grid that has 3 columns. However, when the first row of the template grid drops to the next page because it does not fit on the page anymore (because prior sections reached almost the bottom of the page), the label itself remains on this previous page if it still fits there. I tried to avoid this with adding CSS on the outer table. I tried page-break-inside: avoid; and page-break-inside: auto; but neither of them worked out. I hope someone can help me out! Many thanks in advance.   PDF:   Studio Pro:
1 answers

I think you should use page-break-after: avoid; on the title label to avoid the page break between the title and templategrid.
