Issue with display and alignment of text and calendar in jquery UI datetimepicker

I am using the mendix jQuery UI datetimepicker widget. Everything else is fine but i am struggling with alignment. I have tried everything but it looks something like this. I need to align the label and calendar all in one line but no matter what appearance i choose it looks like this. It needs to be placed in the right side ,second half of the layout grid. How can i get format as: Date yyyy/mm/dd and then the icon.       Expectation:  
1 answers

Hi Pragya,

It is hard to know exactly what is wrong but it looks like you have too little space.

A guess is that whatever you placed it in is smaller than the space it requires. If you have it inside a DataView you can look at the “Form orientation”, is set to Horizontal or Vertical? That might change things.

Other than that you can always use inspect in your browser and play around with css classes and styles to move it around.

Kind regards

