Check box in template grid or list view

Hi, I have used the data grid to get the list of objects. I have to add the check box for multiple deletion. Is it possible to do in data grid? I heard that it can be done in list view or template grid. Can anyone tell how to add check box for multi selection in Data grid.  
2 answers

Sure. Have a look at To implement this

  1. Download the module ‘Atlas3Extras’ from the marketplace into your application.
  2. Add either class ‘selectionradiobutton’ or ‘selectioncheckbox’ or another to the datagrid.

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You can change selection mode of DataGrid as MultiSelection or SimpleMultiSelection.

In SimpleMultiSelection each time you click on any row it gets selected.

In MultiSelection to select multiple rows you have to hold Ctrl button, else it will work as Single selection
