Enable checkboxes in data grid 2

Hey folks,   With a lot excitement i was reading the changes of the latest studio pro version 9.24. I wanted to try the new  chechboxes that are now built in the data grid 2 but i can’t seem to find where to enable this setting.   The feature in question: Mendix Release 9.24 - What a Ride It Has Been | Mendix    
3 answers

Hi Niklas,


Please redownload Data widgets and replace with existing one. Now you can see the checkbox for grid 2.


I’m using 9.24.0 Mendix version Checkbox will appear once you can replace you data widgets.


I hope this one helps you :)




I don't know if its the best method or intended method but how I got checkboxes on my data grid 2 was using the following steps.

  1. On you datagid 2 properties under the general tab you can add Columns. Add a column.
  2. The column content option should be set to Custom content.
  3. Add your attribute and create
  4. The add the check box to the column and connect the attribute to the check box
  5. It should work now.




There is no checkbox  feature available in mendix 9.24, This feature will

come in mendix 10,so wait for the feature.
