Is there a build-in login page for Progress Web? How to show it?

Is there a build-in login page for Progress Web? In the project, we have roles: Administrator, Anonymous, User And run the app in development model. In the Home Page, I did some logging, and find current user’s role is Anonymous.   Shouldn’t the login page be shown automatically, if current role is Anonymous? I remember I have seen the login page several days before, during development. What can I do to make the login page show?  
2 answers

I found in my project the Navigation file has the “Authentication” part.


But if I create a new project, this part is not exist. Weird



Hi Yin Shen,


Have you set your project security to "Production”? You can set the security level in "App 'Your Project’ > Security > Security level”. If no security level is set, users do not have to sign in and can access everything.


Please also check:


Regards, Jeroen


