Need to show the the searched employed after adding the employee name in search field

Hi Experts, I need to search the employee by adding the name in the search field. I want to show it on a page . I am not getting how do I add search the employees from database and show that searched employee on a page. I have added a microflow but not able to show the searched employee on a page. Can any one please help me out. You can suggest different way as well but please explain me in details as I am not well versed with mendix. Please find the screenshot of things I have done.   Domain Model.   Page whee I have added search box and the grid/list I want to show the searched employee from the database.     Microflow that gets triggered on click of the search button in above page
2 answers

Hi Harsh,
Add a dataview with Employee and add Name field in that.
After that make the Save button (Search) to call microflow, In that microflow add refresh in client in change object.
Then add List view inside the data view with a listview source as Xpath contains the query [contains(Name,$currentObject/Name)].
And Select Employee as the List view Entity.

Kindly refer the below image attached.


What you could simply do is have a listview with all employees, a text box search for that user if you dont want it in the listview itself (otherwise listview allready supports this), and a listen to widget to show the selected employee:

