Hi all, I'm attempting to use Unicons-icon set in my application (see https://iconscout.com/unicons/), which is in Mendix 10.3.0. I have a separate styling module, in which I dropped in the available resources from the GIT repository (https://github.com/Iconscout/unicons), hence my file structure is {projectDirectory}/themesource/mystyling/public/resources/unicons-master. Inside 'MyStyling'-module, I've added a _unicons.scss file, which I import in the main.scss file of the module. Inside the _unicons.scss file I create a class as follows: .users-alt { background-image: url('../public/resources/unicons-master/svg/line/users-alt.svg'); } On my page I add a container and assign the class 'users-alt' to the class. I furthermore add the additional styling of height: 192px; width: auto; Unfortunately the image is not appearing and I get the error message in my console log: 404 - file not found for file: public%2Fresources%2Funicons-master%2Fsvg%2Fline%2Fusers-alt.svg I also tried adding the GIT resources to {projectDirectory}/resources/unicons-master and changing the class to .users-alt { background-image: url('/resources/unicons-master/svg/line/users-alt.svg'); } I don't get the error message, however the image is not appearing as well Any help will be appreciated!