Enum/boolean search field on datagrids (in stead of ref selector) - Mendix Forum

Enum/boolean search field on datagrids (in stead of ref selector)



I have a datagrid with a boolean search field on a attribute over association. Obviously, I want the dropdown values in the search fields to be true/false. Analyzing the query using the ConnectionBus_Retrieve node, it performs a SELECT Distinct [Attribute] from [associated object]. Since I have a lot of associated objects and an access rules with xpathconstraint the query becomes really complicated and takes longer than loading the actual data in the grid.


If it would simply show the values true/false (or the enum values in case of an enum) the page load time would be drastically reduced.

1 answers

So true, the only downside in case of an enumeration value is that you are no longer able to determine which values are actually in use based on the search drop down. 
