Disable/Enable notifications per Project - Mendix Forum

Disable/Enable notifications per Project


It would be nice if you're able to Disable/Enable e-mail notifications per Project ([Mendix.com] A new comment has been posted). The only viable alternatives at the moment (as far as I know) are disabling notifications altogether or leaving the project.


edit: added e-mail to clarify and apparently leaving the project doesn't make the e-mail updates stop.

5 answers

Yeah I know but that is just 1 story/thread. It would be nice if we have the ability to unsubscribe from all stories but just for that  project. In my case I'm the one who imported (thus according to sprintr created) the stories, but at the moment I am no longer part of that project. But for every comment made to a story I get an e-mail.


When you get an email notification there is an option to unsubscribe. Once pressed you should no longer get email notifications about that thread.


We've tested it out but it doesn't work for e-mail notifications unfortunately.


Thank you, but does this also apply to the e-mails you receive when a comment has been posted to a story you created or commented on? Or does it just apply to the Buzz wall?


You can already enable/disabled notifications for projects. If you click on the gear icon on the right hand corner of the main buzz wall you will come to a page where you can subscribe/unsubscribe from project notifications.

