Make the modeler / microflow editor snappy and user friendly again v2 - Mendix Forum

Make the modeler / microflow editor snappy and user friendly again v2


Since Studio Pro 9.5.0 I noticed the microflow editor and workflow became sluggish and slow again.

In Studio Pro 9.3.0 and 9.4.0 you could add an action, quickly type ‘mic’ + press enter and a microflow call would be added before the action list was even filtered.

Since 9.5.0 this behavior somehow changed into: add an action, type ‘mic’, wait for the list of actions to be filtered, then press enter.. This workflow breaking behavior was there before in previous versions, but (accidently?) got fixed in at least 9.3.0 and 9.4.0. Alas, now it is back.

It seems with every new version of the modeler, the performance degrades, and workflow breaking behavior arises. Me and my colleagues would be very happy if performance would increase in future versions and workflow enhancing fixes/improvements would be implemented.

Please consider that thoughtful QOL/UX improvements in the modeler, even small ones, have an enormous effect on the development community as a whole and people that work with the modeler on a daily basis.

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