Improve the SPRINTR App overview - Mendix Forum

Improve the SPRINTR App overview


The current app overview shoud be extended/reworked.

Additionally to the current template-grid-based view, add a list view with filters, sorting and column visibility should be added. Just the out-of-the-box-functionality supported by Datagrid2 would do the job. 


I have to deal with >60 apps and hat annoys me a lot is the app overview in the SPRINTR. The "1 button per app" design is OK for a few apps but in my case its not useful:


Would be great to get an improved and extended version of the overview.

1 answers

Hi Jelena,

yes, its the "My Apps". As i dont have admin rights on our platform, i dont see the "My Company Apps".

Infos to see and not to see: for instance, i dont need the app image in the list view, but maybe others would like them. i would like to see also the some information from the environment, like running status, starting/stopping, accessing logs,... could be user-configurable buttons.

would make the overview and administration of multiple apps lot easier.

BR Franz
