I would like to see Maia add the ability to automatically generate Microflow annotations. - Mendix Forum

I would like to see Maia add the ability to automatically generate Microflow annotations.


I think that if Mendix's Maia had a function to automatically generate Microflow annotations, development efficiency would be greatly improved.

2 answers

Here are the details of this idea. I used ChatGPT to summarize it, so please feel free to reach out if anything is unclear.



In Mendix development, particularly when involving beginners or those with no programming experience, there is a recurring issue where comments are not added or properly read. Comments and associations are essential for deepening understanding between developers and ensuring smooth project progress.Additionally, in Mendix's rapid development environment, balancing development efficiency and maintaining stable quality is crucial. In large projects, manually creating documentation and inserting detailed comments can be a burden, and addressing this challenge requires an automated solution.


By adding a feature to the Mendix AI Assistant (Maia) that automatically generates associations and inserts comments, the following benefits can be expected:

  1. Increased Development EfficiencyAutomatically generating documentation and comments for Java and sub-microflows can save developers the manual effort of writing detailed comments. This improves productivity, particularly in the early stages of development.
  2. Improved Code Quality and StabilityAuto-generated comments and associations help clarify the intent behind the code and the flow of microflows, fostering better understanding within the team. This leads to more accurate code reviews and reduces the likelihood of bugs.
  3. Support for Beginners and Inexperienced DevelopersFor those new to programming, the additional hints provided through automatically generated comments can help them understand the purpose of the code more easily. This makes learning Mendix more efficient and speeds up the onboarding process for new developers.
  4. Automated DocumentationAs projects progress, there is no need for manual documentation creation. The larger the project, the greater the advantage of having automated documentation generation, ensuring consistent quality and accuracy.

Implementation Concept:

  1. Automatic Code Parsing and Annotation GenerationMaia would analyze the code and microflows within Mendix and automatically insert appropriate comments above each activity. These comments would explain the role of the activity and its relationship (association) with other elements.
  2. Real-Time Comment Suggestions in the UIWhile developers are editing microflows or code, Maia could suggest comments or documentation candidates in real time. Developers can approve, modify, or delete these suggestions, allowing for flexible adjustments.

This feature would significantly enhance the learning and development process within Mendix, making it more efficient and intuitive.


Hi Koudai, interesting idea. Could you add a screenshot of an example microflow to make clear what your thoughts are and what the main benefits are.
