Feedback form: 1) include snapshot checked (yes) by default, 2) horizontal layout, 3) (easily) editable (in Modeler) ? - Mendix Forum

Feedback form: 1) include snapshot checked (yes) by default, 2) horizontal layout, 3) (easily) editable (in Modeler) ?



I like the standard Mendix Feedback functionality very much! :)

Two small changes might make me like it even more (or should you not look a given horse in the mouth? ;P):

1) include snapshot checked ('yes') by default;

2) horizontal layout (instead of vertical). 

I can't change it myself (for my own apps) right, or can I? 3) Would be very nice if I could tailor the Feedback form (easily, in the Modeler) to my own needs (specific per app/ project/ userrole/ ...)! :)

Regards, Joris

4 answers

We have fixed the feedback widget, as in, it is a whole new version (6.0.0 and up):

  • Snapshot is checked by default. You can switch it off if you don't want to include it. Furthermore, due to privacy reasons, a developer can decide to switch it off
  • Layout is no longer applicable, as the design is completely revamped
  • Feedback widget is standard and cannot be altered. We did include the option to remove the Mendix logo, but that's it.
  • @Rick: this issue is fixed in the new version

I am closing this idea, as most of the feedback is implemented, or not applicable


Should always include a snapshot. No reason not to.


I have a custom feedback widget available if you like. It works exactly the same until you arrive in the form, from that point forward it is a regular Mendix form with a regular processing "send feedback" button that allows you to do anything with it.

Just contact me if you want to know more.​

Best regards,

Mitchel Mol
Contact me via my Mx profile or LinkedIn


3) And when you click the feedback button when located at the bottom of a page, the feedback-window is all the way at the top.
