Sprintr: Overview of all commits per one user story - Mendix Forum

Sprintr: Overview of all commits per one user story


Being able to view all the commits related to one user story would be useful in case you want to search up for the changes made by particular user story, for instance in the review process.

There is possibility to view related user stories per one commit in the Modeler, however there is no way to see commits made per one user story in the Sprintr, for instance, or at least in the Modeler.

This concern integration of Sprintr and SVN server on deeper level, I guess.

Is this something that can be expected in future or there will be other approaches?

1 answers

We use modeler 6.10.3 and today in Sprintr we has noticed it had been added as "Revisions" tab in US. Great! Thanks Mendix :)
