Make it possible to see which forum questions have already been viewed - Mendix Forum

Make it possible to see which forum questions have already been viewed


In the old forum you could see which were new questions, and which you'd already looked at by the css color of the visited link.  This is no longer possible in the new forum. 

Is there some mechanism to restore this functionality, perhaps a relationship between the question and the user that is set when they view a question that could be used to change the display.  This data could be cleansed after a couple of weeks to control the data volumes if necessary.

2 answers

Good point! This does the trick:

.mx-link a:visited{color:purple;}



This one is definitely on top of my wish list and should be possible without even doing any changes to the model, as everything is arranged through your browser's cache. The problem is that no .mx-link a:visited pseudo has been defined in the CSS of this forum project.
