Not able to edit Image URL

Hi, I have to link an image to a products. Relation between image to product is one to many. I have created a seperate entity for Image with attribute URL and generalized it to system.Image. While creating a product I want to select an URL in the data view. URL is not editable while creating product.
3 answers

Hi Sayali,

Do you have correct entity access rights configured?  It maybe you need to provide ReadWrite access for URL attribute / association to your product in product entity. (make sure the widget is not set to read only). I am not sure what you are trying to achieve here, but after having correct entity access rights your issue should be resolved. 


Hope this helps! 


Hi Sayali,

Check in your Product entity in which inside Access Rules tab make sure u will give read access to attribute of association(Product_Image)

Hope it will works for you



Couple of things you can try:

- Your input box for URL looks like a text box. I would expect a reference selector. Can you remove it and replace it by a reference selector. 

- Make sure you have at least one image available. If no image is present in your database, that the reference selector will show the dropdown, but only an empty list.

- If the previous suggestion has not yet solved your problem, then go to the domain model, right-click Product-entity, and select 'Generate overview pages’. If indeed your access rights are set correctly, the generated Product_NewEdit will be as you want it to be.
