How to create a duplicated database entry

How to create a duplicated database entry via a “Duplicate” button after selecting exactly one database entry? The database entry has a unique key. It simply should retrieve this unique database entry, copy it (creating of course a new primary key) and then let the user do some changes on the copied entry. I use Mendix Studio (the current Web version).
3 answers

You might try cloning the object via a microflow.

This produced two distinct objects with the same attributes and associations.   You could then return the NewAgent (duplicate record) to the user for editing and commit.



Cloning is one option.


Another option is to create a new Object, and populate it with the attributes you need from the original Object This gives you more control over the copy process. After the creation of the new Object you pass that object to a page and do whatever you need to do.


Thanks a lot for the proposals, I will consider them.
