Embed image to email

Is there a way to embed an image when sending email in Mendix? I would like to add our company logo to the email itself so user would know right away where the email is coming from.
2 answers

He Edward,

Yes, you can. Please see the images below, which will show you how I did it.

One thing to keep in mind while testing this locally: the logo in the below images is in the Mendix cloud (https://da42.mxapps.io/img/Layouts$DA42_images$DansAtelier42_logo___smaller_108_x_50.png). It will only be available to you locally after you deployed a version to the server with the images, in my case DA42_images.




Did you try filling in the image URL in the browser and do you see it then? If not, the image URL is not correct.
