Using reference selector of one entity and creating object/adding a value of another entity
Hello, I am getting a list through api and mapping it with the entity ‘CandidateCertificate’ having Certificateid, CertificateCategory, CertificateDescription as the attributes which i am showing in a data grid. Then i have another api for CertificationMaster which again mapping with another entity ’CertificationMaster’ having Certificateid, CertificateCategory, CertificateDescription contains a list of the all the certifications through which user can select create Certificate descriptions using reference selector. And also both entities are associated with the entity ’Personalinfo’ as ‘onetomany’. Now the issue is that when i select value from the reference selector then it creates an object/ adds to list for the entity ‘‘CertificationMaster’. But i want to add the object into the entity ‘CandidateCertification’. Screenshots attached !!! Please let me know how can i do this? Thanks & Regards, Anmol Gupta