How to link to the login.html page without creating a new browser-tab

On there a a button “-> Sign-in”, that takes you to the page login.html. There is the minor issue that it creates a new browser-tab to do this. This sign-up button is created by making a button with action ‘open link’ How to link to the login.html page without creating a new browser-tab? *Editted* Used Joshua’s solution, but it gets even simpler by making the sign-in button trigger a nanoflow, which calls a javascript, which is this oneliner: // BEGIN USER CODE window.location.replace("login.html"); // END USER CODE  
3 answers

One simple solution would be to do it in javascript. 

You create a button doing nothing, you put a class in it, and your run that code in a html snippet (with jquery enabled) :




“sign-in in new tab” sounds like a side-effect or a bug. So the best way is to report this issue to Mendix.

To be honest, I don’t understand why a mix of jQuery with native javascript is a good solution to solve your issue. If this javascript snippet loads before the html button, you’ll get an error (not possible to add the click event to a non-existing element).

For now, in my opinion it’s more easy, readable and maintainable to create a simple link button to navigate to the login page. No custom code if there’s no need.





Hi Tim Van,

One simple solution would be to do it in javascript. 

You create a button doing nothing, you put a class in it, and your run that code in a html snippet (with jquery enabled) :


