How to retrieve module based user roles in microflow and use in decision?

I have a requirement where a page needs to be shown on the basis of user role related conditions. In microflow, how can i retrieve module role? When i view retrieve object i can retrieve system roles, but how can i retrieve module roles that i have created? I need to retrieve and use it in decision that is if role is say 'new_user’, then set boolean value to true and show page. How do i retrieve module roles in the first place?
2 answers

Why do you need to retrieve them? Say you only want to show the page to new users whose name starts with an A, just make sure you set the page to only be accessible by New_User and use a microflow (also set to role: new_user) to determine if their name starts with an A and if yes, open the page. 

If this doesn't solve the issue, could you describe the use case any further?


Hi Pragya,

You can modify the visibility property for that component. You can choose visibility based on a role and select a role that going to have access to the component. 

Hope this will help you.

