Is it safe to use WorkflowUserTaskState enumeration in other entities

Hi All I have a question about using below 'WorkflowUserTaskState' enumeration in other persistent entities which are not related to Workflows. Would it be safe to use this enumeration as it is from System module or is there a risk of it being overwritten in future versions of Studio Pro?
1 answers

Hi Ajit,

It is always a good idea to create a specific enum for specific purposes. Translating one enum to another can easily be done in a rule.

When the specs for your app change in the future, or Mendix changes the system enum, you will only have to change the translation-rule instead of changing all your microflows and migrate your database.

For now a little bit more work but it leaves you with a more robust and better maintainable app.

Best regards,

Diederik Wentink
