Mendix studio pro consumes crazy amounts of memory

Hello,   I was wondering if there any more people around that notice that Studio pro consumes a lot of memory? I have to run three fairly big apps but never had any issues when I was using Mendix 8. Even when running one or two of the apps it will go unresponsive after a while.   Furthermore I am aware of the slow performance of Mendix 9, but then I thought it would still be responsive. My system just stops working and the only solution is to end Studio pro and restart it again.   Side effect is that the server port is taken and I have to change that as well every time. Pretty annoying Does anyone have suggestions to speed up Studio pro?   - Re-installed Studio pro - inserted additional memory - downloaded the app several times - Mendix assist and logic bot are turned off - increased performance via energy management   Version used: 9.12.2
2 answers

It's a known issue and Mendix is currently looking into what's causing these issues. If you have specific cases where it reliably goes wrong, it might be worth sending in a support ticket so they can look along and use your case to find out what's happening and how to fix it.


To update my previous answer: Mendix 9.16.0 is out now, and it has significant performance improvements. Hopefully this will also help alleviate the issues with memory consumption.
