How do I link from multiple main Nav Sub-nav links to multiple different Active Tabs/Tab Panes on the same landing page?

          I have a landing page (i.e., A) with 3-tabs/tab panes (i.e.,1,2, and 3). I created a top level/main Navigation menu item ‘A’, and 3 sub-nav menuitems beneath it ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘3’ which correspond to the tabs’ captions. You cannot link from a main Nav to a landing page if it has sub-Nav links. So the Main Nav item ‘A’ does not link to anything.  The drop-down (sub-Nav) links for the 3 Tabs all link to the same page ‘A’   Tab 1 is currently set as the default active Tab. So no matter which sub-nav link is used, the same Tab 1 (active by default) is the displayed Tab with it’s Tab panel content for all 3-sub-nav links. My Question: How do I link from my 3 sub-Nav menuitems (in the dropdown menu beneath the Nav dropdown control button ‘A’), so that: Nav ‘A’ > sub-nav ‘1’ links directly to Page ‘A’ with Tab ‘1’ displayed/active Nav ‘A’ > sub-nav ‘2’ links directly to Page ‘A’ with Tab ‘2’ displayed/active Nav ‘A’ > sub-nav ‘3’ links directly to Page ‘A’ with Tab ‘2’ displayed/active   Note: Luckily, (in this case) the 3-tab panes do not contain dynamic content on page ‘A’ entry.
2 answers

You need a marketplace component like tab switch:

or Tabswitcher:





Hey Ronald, I already installed Tab Switcher a few days ago, read the docs, and played around with trying to incorporate it into my project, but it did not seem to have the capabilities to address my scenario. If you know how to configure it to work, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share? Thx!
