How to add a Logout button in the top bar by default for all pages

I have an existing web & native mobile app, I want to add a sign out button to all the web pages. I created an example app from the “Approval” template to see how it is done, but I cannot see how. I also have a Workflow in my app and use the Workflow TaskInbox. That Approval template has a Logout button on even the TaskInbox. How did they get it there? I see no button that they put there. It uses the standard Atlas_Default and nothing extra, how did they get it there on the TaskInbox page? Also there are some difference between my MendixSSO and Adminsitration module to theirs, there is an additional `AvatarURL` in the Adminsitration.Account entity which is not in mine. Did they add that manually? Are you supposed to directly alter marcketplace modules? The question is how to get a logout button at the top right hand corner by default on ALL pages. That is such a basic thing that all wbe pages should ahve and yet in Mendix this seems difficult to achieve. Here is a screenshot of what the workflow TaskInbox on the Approval template example looks like  (BTW I am on 9.14.1 and everythin gupdated to the latest)
3 answers

Add this button to each page-layout that your app is using. (side not: Best-practice is to have only one page-layout and remove all the others). Likely this is Atlas_Default in Atlas_Core->Web->Responsive->Layouts.

So if you want to copy this from the Workflow page: open that page in StudioPro, go to the pages properties, find the layout name. Open the layout (Ctrl-G) and copy-paste their logic to your page-layouts.

You can also copy-paste the solution I created from to marketplace modules ‘SystemManagement’ and ‘Person’. Or download the starter app ‘Base application’.


HI Tim, Yes I know I can create custom layout and add a sign out button then use this for my pages, but the Workflow pages will still be using the Atlas_default and not my custom. In the Approval template the Workflow pages also has the logout button but they did not change the Atlas_Default (they did not add any button there) nor do they have any custom that they changed the workflow to, it is as if that logout button appears there by magic. How did they do that? In the meantime I have already created my own custom atlas_default_WithLogotu page, and also duplicateing the Workflow pages to use this layout, that is the only way I can see, but that is not what they did and I want to knwo how they did that without changing the Atlas_Default, there must be something I am missing.


I am blind, I checked the Approval template again and there is a fodler “User” under which there are “Pages” and there is a copy of the workflow “TaskInbox” page and then it references a custom layout “Approvals_TopBar”, so that is how they did it as well, that is how I have implemented it, then that is confirmed the correct and only way.
