Hi, you can parse the string to datetime and then format is as string again if you need another format.
So in your case it would be:
Let’s say your string variable is called DateInput
parseDateTime($DateInput, "yyyy-MM-dd”)
Let’s name that variable ParsedDateTime
then you could do formatDateTime($ParsedDateTime,””dd/MM/yyyy”)
Or do it at once:
formatDateTime(parseDateTime($DateInput, "yyyy-MM-dd”) ,””dd/MM/yyyy”)
documentation can be found here: Parse & Format Date Function Calls | Mendix Documentation
Hi Sonam,
As Jord said, first convert your date string to desired string format using the one shared by jord
Jord Code:
$formattedString = formatDateTime(parseDateTime($DateInput, "yyyy-MM-dd”) ,””dd/MM/yyyy”)
The above will give you the result as a string but u need it in date time format right. Then,
Pass the above code result to parseDateTime again like this
parseDateTime($formattedString, "dd/MM/yyyy”)
What Jord said, but if you’re sure the input has the format yyyy-MM-dd and you want to stay away from datetime handling you could use CommunityCommons.RegexReplaceAll with following parameters:
Haystack: $DateInput or whatever you string variable is called
Needle regex: ‘(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})’
Replacement: ‘$3/$2/$1’