I have project that I am taking over from an employee who just left. The website they were working on has some weird effect that I can’t understand. There is a button that takes you to a page that looks darker than the rest. After I click that button and then try to go back to the home page, everything else is in this “dark mode”. The font color is white and the background is dark blue. I cannot figure out why this is happening or if he did it on purpose. Has anyone seen this before?
Kamryn Prock
2 answers
Perhaps he installed the darkmode-module: https://marketplace.mendix.com/link/component/116773/CLEVR/Dark-Theme---Dark-Reader.
Tim v Steenbergen
There might be css added for custom dark mode theme and then with a simple JS action we change the css property. The previous person might have did this. Try finding applied class through inspect and if any JS actions are in that button or page