How to handle large volumes of data with non-persistent entities?

The whole application is fetching data using REST API calls and when the number of objects in the memory goes above 100, Mendix gives a warning and later the app starts having unexpected behaviour. Is there a way to handle large volumes of data in the application?
3 answers

HI Ridhwik Kalgaonkar,


Try if you can make use of the Paging mechanism in the Rest Api ( offset and limit) , so that you will only retrieve a set of objects process it  and then take  another batch.


You can change the threshold limit for the warning as described in Mendix docs:,4.2%20Detecting%20Requests%20with%20Large%20State,-By%20default%20the

What kind of unexpected behavior are you seeing? In some cases I have used thousands of objects from rest calls without issues (I just turned up the threshold limit to not display the warning from 100).


Hi Radhwik,


You could try the following

  • Split the process: first receive the json and store this as string or filedocument. Do the mapping of the string/filedocument to the entities on the server by using the Queue module from the Appstore
  • If the number of objects is still to much, you could try to split up the JSON in chucks with string-operations.

Hope that helps,

